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6 Workplace Violence Prevention Tips


The worst thing about violence is that it is not bound to gender. Male, female, or trans, violence has become a norm today. We kill our talent by supporting violence.

Now, if you are wondering what does supporting violence mean? It means watching violence and not doing anything to stop it. Victims of violence including domestic, physical, or mental violence, lose their trust in humanity.

If you have been witnessing violence at your workplace or are a victim of violence, here is what you should do.

Pay Attention to the Initial Signs

Pay more attention to the initial signs of violence that may result in a violent situation. Whenever you feel like there is a person or a group of people who are provoking violence and can disturb the environment, make sure you report it. If you do not stop the initial signs of increasing violence in your workplace, you would experience some major negative results in the future.

If you have figured out the initial signs, it is time for you to take precautionary measures. Start by giving warnings to people who are causing violence. If it doesn’t work then, expel people. Such an approach will not only keep the environment safe but will also work as an example for other people to follow.

Promote Respect and harmony

One of the fastest ways of eliminating violence from your workplace is to increase interaction and promote an environment that is conducive to teamwork among employees. People should be aware of who they are working with and this is only possible when they communicate.

Make your employees be friends with each other and know each other. When they will be friends and help each other, there will be 0% chances of violence in your workspace.

Inspire Your Employees to Take Distinct Differences

Changes in personalities or leadership style differences exist in every workplace. If left unresolved, these issues could result in job displeasure or depression, and even violence including domestic and mental. Constant issues of violence may result in high turnover and cultural problems for your organization. Help negate conflict by organizing activities to help the team in getting to know each other and accept the personality differences as positive attributes.

After people accept that they are different from others and have different personality traits, their sense of generating violence in the workplace will automatically decrease. People do not like to harm their friends on purpose, so from the time you start your workplace, make sure that the people working there become your friends.

Start a strict anti-violence act

Stop workplace violence by making strict policies that encourage your employees to complain about violent, harassing behaviours, degrading, and any other sign of danger that can make the company a place of violence. Such policies play a major role in removing undesirable employee behaviour and leaves no space for favouritism amongst employees.

Managers must apply the mentioned Anti-violence rules and consistent punishment for people spreading violence no matter who violates the policy. Make sure all of your employees are well aware of the significances of violating the policy rules. The strict rules and stance will help to show your workplace’s commitment to eliminating elements that cause violence.

Here are few points that you should never neglect, as it may cause violence amongst employees:

  1. Equal leaves
  2. Equal increments and bonuses
  3. Equal involvement in the official matters
  4. Equal rights in terms of policies
  5. Providing equal promotion opportunities

Give Warning Signs with Extreme Results

You should never ignore a single sign of violence. No matter how close an employee is to you, never ignore a single sign that can courage violence. Give your employees warnings along with the indications of worst results. Show them examples of what can happen if anyone is found guilty in the case. Tell your employees about the consequences that can happen to the culprits. Tell them that they are highly supervised and always monitored by the higher authorities.

Make sure that your employees are well aware of what can happen if things ever go wrong. Make and apply strict policies with no concessions regardless of the positions of the senior and junior employees.

Install CCTV cameras

The above tips were majorly about the inside environment of the organization. However, the risk of outside violence is always there, especially if your office is in an area with a higher crime rate. Installing CCTV Cameras is the best way to prevent such violence from internal and external factors. While it keeps the chances of violence at the lowest level, it can also help in the identification of the culprits.

You will witness a significant decrease in the violence ratio of your workplace after applying the mentioned points. All supervisors and CEOs should keep an eye on their workplace and the environment regardless of how busy they are. Sometimes innocent victims are too scared to complain. If you need help regarding the installation of CCTV cameras in your workplace, you know you can bank on Potential Security all the time.